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Friday, 27 August 2010


I was waiting for Venky to learn to color, for that is one activity that can keep kids sitting and busy. That time has come. Venky is now on his 2nd Jumbo coloring book. Like all kids, he loves coloring. Finally he's found one activity that he can enjoy that can keep him in one place. But there is a catch. I should color with him! While he is coloring one page of the book, I should color the other! So much for my wishful thinking for peaceful FREE time!

So, here I am. Coloring pages after pages. Much to my surprise, I enjoy it just as I used to when I was a kid myself. Its true that kids color your life - literally! :)


Jumbo said...

Anyways, u enjoyed everything when u were a kid :P

SS said...

As if you were around when I was a kid! :p

Anonymous said...

dear SS, the time has come also to put up pics, not just post tiny tidbits :)

would love to see what venky has been upto coloring wise!

SS said...

Yes BM, just too lazy for it!