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Monday, 8 February 2010

Reprimand of the day

My FIL calls up to talk with Venky. After having done his conversation with his grandpa, Venky hands over the phone to me. I talk to him addressing him as "Papa". After I hang up, Venky comes to me with a lifted finger and a stern expression on his face.

"You call Papa 'Jaaneman', you call Dadu 'Papa', what's wrong with you? You should call Papa as 'Papa', Dadu as 'Dadu' and Dadi as 'Dadi' ! "

Yesss Sir. Point taken!


Trish said...

hehehehe soo sweet..
How have you been SS?

SS said...

@ Trish - Been quite busy lately and bloggin has been slow. Plan to catch up soon. I've been reading your posts in my reader but haven't found the time to leave comments. Bear with me for sometime :)

Anonymous said...

venky is smart :) ...i can imagine what will happen to u when he begins schooling :D

SS said...

Hi BM,I am bracing up for a lot of reprimands :)